Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear Pharrell....

Dear Pharrell,

I think you should know that you are by far one of my favorite entertainers. I love your music, I love your style, and i think you are a musical genius. When we locked eyes at the Common Ground Celebrity Bowling Event, i too felt the sparks fly. The room was suddenly quiet, like was no one there but us. It was fate that put us together in 10 Pin that day, not only because we were in the same place at the same time, but that we shared a bench and bowled next to each other. I know that our conversation would have been wonderful....if all those girls had not been coming up to you every second wanting to take you away from me. I saw how upset you were every time our moments together were interrupted.

Pharrell, i hate to tell you this, but i am compelled to be honest with you. Do you remember that guy in the corner? The tall, skinny one glaring at us? Well, that was my husband Kenneth. He really is darling, and i love him dearly. Unfortunately, he beat you to the punch. You were so close. Just 13 short months ago, i could have run away with you, and we could have been together forever....touring across the country...meeting Jay-Z and Beyonce for lunch and setting the red carpet on fire.... But Pharrell, i told Ken till death do we part, and i intend on keeping my promise.

We will always have that day together though. We will always have that unforgettable moment when you wrapped your arms around me, pressed my head into the nook of your neck and leaned your temple to mine. (clearly shown in the picture below) I know that in the midst of that sweet, precious embrace you were thinking, " I want it to be this way forever..." I do adore you Pharrell, but this has to be the end.

And Pharrell....please don't call or write's just too hard.

Warmest regards, Christina


lesli said...

haha... this post was hilarious. i think you look fantastic in that picture. however, i'm glad you decided to keep ken. you did good girl!